Wednesday, June 15, 2011

7.8 Million Gallons of Drinking Water Dumped After Man Urinates Into Portland's Reservoir

The city of Portland was forced to take a key water supply off line after a 21-year-old man caught on video admitted urinating in a city reservoir about 1:30am Wednesday. According to The Oregonian, police responded but did not cite the man or his three friends. As a result of the pee-ation, David Shaff, administrator for the Water Bureau, said about 7.8 million gallons of drinking water will be discarded because of the incident. He originally said that will cost the bureau about $600,000 in lost revenue but later clarified that his math was very wrong, and that the water would have sold for a retail price of almost $28,500, and disposal fees are expected at about $7,600. He tells the newspaper, the Water Bureau regularly finds dead animals in the same drinking supply but doesn't dump the water. "This is different," he said. "Do you want to drink pee?" he asked bluntly. When questioned about scientific data and the small amount of urine in such a large reservoir, he interjected: "Answer the question. It has nothing to do with scientifically. Most people are gonna be pretty damn squeamish about that." That may be true, but to spend that much money to dump all that water because of a minuscule amount of urine, sounds absolutely ridiculous!

Update, June 16: Josh Seater said he's the man who peed in the reservoir and he doesn't understand why the city is making such a big deal of it. "It was dark; it was night; I was under the influence of alcohol," he told KATU News. "Within a split second of me taking a urine in there, right afterwards, I felt guilty....I knew I did wrong when I did it....They've been pulling out dead animals, other feces, am I the first one to pee in the in the fountain?....If they are going to be so uptight about me making an accident like I did, why aren't they going to do anything to prevent that?"

Here's the surveillance footage.



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