Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Baby Mama Speaks Out: 'It Wasn’t Arnie’s Fault, It Takes Two'

We, like almost everyone has, has blocked out Joseph Baena-Schwarzenegger's face since he was revealed to be Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child. Now, that his mother Mildred Patricia Baena is going public and pimping him out to the tabloids, we can show the 13-year-old's face. Mildred, 50, has come out of hiding and gave her first interview (and posed for some pretty photos) with Hello! magazine, giving details about what happened when Arnold's soon-to-be-ex-wife Maria Shriver confronted her about sleeping with her husband.
Guatelaman-born Mildred revealed that she realised the truth once her son started to resemble the former Governor of California. “It was as Joseph grew and I started to see the resemblance that I wondered – but It became more apparent as time went on,” she said. “I knew Arnold was the father, and maybe as Joseph got older and began to look like him, he [Arnold] wondered. But he never said anything to me.” She also revealed that Marie Shriver, Arnold’s now ex-wife, had started to put two and two together when she heard whispers in the household about the pair's similarity. “She would say things like, “I’m here if you need to talk. I sensed something was up. I have so much love and respect for Maria. Finally, she asked point blank.” But it was Maria’s actions that shocked Mildred. “She was so strong. She cried with me and told me to get off my knees. We held each other and I told her it wasn’t Arnie’s fault, that it takes two.” Finally, she expressed her sympathy for Arnold and what he must be going through: “He’s a good man and I know he’s suffering too. He loves Maria. I hope with time they work things out.”
The magazine says when Joseph was told who his real father is last year, he joyfully replied "Cool!" Mildred says he's looking forward to building a relationship with Arnold.
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