Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Man Bites Off Wife's Eyelid

Rahsaan Lavonte Thedford, 32, of Detroit, has been charged with assault with intent to maim after he bit off his estranged wife's eyelid then chased her with a knife during an argument. According to police, the 34-year-old woman asked him several times to leave her home last Mother's Day. He refused and began punching the woman in the face and head, pinned her on the ground and bit off her eyelid. After she got away, Rashaan chased her into the kitchen where he retrieved a steak knife and threatened to kill her. The victim ran from the house to her car and called 911. Police caught Rashaan about a block away, trying to climb under a chain-link fence to hide in a yard. He remains jailed on $100,000 bond. If convicted, he faces 10 years in prison. The couple married last June and have twin babies together. The infants were not home when the attack occurred. The two had been separated since February when Rashaan assaulted the woman's 17-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. He has been charged with misdemeanor assault in that incident.



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