Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Man Forgives Son For Shooting Him in the Head

How does someone get to the point of forgiving a person who murdered your wife and tried to kill you by shooting you in the head? Apparently it takes a lot of prayer. Back in October 20, 2007, while Mark and Sue Petric prepared to watch the Cleveland Indians baseball game at their home in Brighton Township, Ohio, their 16-year-old son, Daniel, entered the room and told them he had a surprise for them. He fired a 9mm hollow point round into his father's head then fired multiple shots into his mother instantly killing her instantly. A short time later, a family member arrived at the home and called police. Daniel was sentenced to 23 years in prison and Mark says he and the entire family has forgiven him. Why did Daniel shoot his parents, you ask? Because they took away his video games.



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