Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Police Officer Forced to Attend MLK Parade Because He's Black Sues Police Department, City

Captain Walter Busby, a 30-year member of the Tulsa, Okla. police department, says he was ordered to attend the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade in 2010 because he's black and now he's sued his major, the police chief and the City of Tulsa claiming his civil rights was violated. True story. According to the suit, Captain Busby says he was ordered by Major Walter Evans to attend the parade, even though he didn't want to and felt his participation would give the impression he agrees with how the department treats African American citizens. He says Major Evans told him, "the fact that we both share the same race as Dr. King and that the parade is held in the African American community is consequential." Captain Busby then says he asked for the day off, but Major Evans refused, so he attended the parade as ordered -- under protest. Some time later, he filed a complaint with the City's human relations department, but he says he was assigned an undesirable shift and given his worst job evaluation since his time on the job. It's unclear how much money he's suing for. Here's an interesting fact: Captain Busby is vice president of the city's MLK Commemoration Society, which plans the MLK Day parade. Look down, Busby!

source: NEWSON6


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