Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WATCH: Paco, Talking Cat Trap, New Atlanta 'Housewives' Cast Member

Two armed men barged into an Altadena, Calif. smoke shop and demanded money -- but the store owner's guard dog, ahem, chihuahua, wasn't having it. As the thieves fled with the money, the dog went after them.

This idiot makes a video suggesting that black people are a "problem" and wishes for a plague that will eradicate the race....

....Then she's SHOCKED at the response from the general public.

This Summer's Eve's new commercial is....

Just another day at a Family Dollar store in St Louis.

Drugs make you do dumb things -- but what possess people to talk about what they do while under the influence is still shocking. This Arabic man attempted to rob a man and "screw" a man but stopped after realizing the man was hung like a donkey. Wait, because the "man" was a donkey. Hee-haw.

Marlo Hampton, 35, is supposedly the new cast member of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Here she is talking about something.

In related news: Dwight Eubanks has announced that he will not be appearing on the upcoming season of the RHoA because producers have yet to promote his hair salon on-air. Then he says, “We can entertain you, but you still need to be educated. That’s what’s lacking in the television industry. It’s so much buffoonery and craziness out there. I just can’t do it. I refuse to do it.” Old lady, please!


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