Thursday, August 11, 2011

Perv Tries to Abduct, Marry 13-year-old Girl; Gets Some Sense Beaten into Him

This is one the craziest stories about a crazy person we've heard all week. The mother of a 13-year-old Des Moines, Iowa girl says their neighbor Robert Harding tried to lure the girl into an alley. When the girl informed her mother about the possible abductor, Robert, who's 48 years old, asked for the girl's hand in marriage. "He looked at me and said 'I want to marry the redhead',” mom Holly Pullen said, "And I was like dude she's only 13 years old and he says 'I dont care. Will somebody sign a paper so I can marry her?’ I'm like dude, I just told you she's 13." WHAT?! As expected, the girl's family whooped his ass until police arrived. He was arrested and charged with child enticement and faces up five years in prison.



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