Wednesday, August 24, 2011

There's Welfare Fraud, and Then There's This

Alicia Ann Bouchard, 41, of Jackson County, Fla. was arrested this week and charged with principal to sexual battery, soliciting sexual activity with a child, and principal to child abuse in the case after it was revealed she convinced her husband, 26-year-old Matthew Bouchard, to have sex with a 12-year-old girl in hopes that the girl would get pregnant and create another welfare check for the household. The girl, who was staying at the Bouchards home, went to investigators last year abuse the abuse and Matthew was arrested. He has admitted his role in the abuse. While in a shelter, she revealed Alicia's role and she was arrested.
According to the complaint, the girl disclosed she had been sexually active with Mr. Bouchard in the presence of Mrs. Bouchard and that Mrs. Bouchard had told her that “the worse that could happen is you would get pregnant.” The complaint states that, according to Mr. Bouchard’s statement, having the girl get pregnant was actually his wife’s goal in hopes that a pregnancy could lead to more income for the household. In the complaint, officials noted that Mrs. Bouchard had written a letter of apology to the girl after the youngster was placed in a shelter. The complaint says the letter included statements “admitting that she should not have allowed the victim to watch her and Matt have sex and that she ‘dang sure should not have allowed (the child) to have sex with Matt.’”
source:JC Floridian
Is there a hell hot enough? Investigators say Alicia admitted to everything the girl told police and her bail was set at $70,000. As for Matthew, he's being held without bond.


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