Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WATCH: The Revolution Will Be Televised

Pamela Williams is mad as hell and she's not gonna take it anymore. The Philadelphia resident, who's a "Baptist minister turned Pentecostal ready to preach the Gospel and fight for God's children", is willing to fight for the children of her community until her last breath. During an impassioned speech -- or sermon -- at a school board meeting this afternoon in Philly, she urged the board to reconsider its decision to cut $35 million from the city's educational programs and open the 11 new schools planned for urban neighborhoods, because if they don't, under/uneducated black and Hispanic kids will continue to act out the only they know how. Preach pastor Pamela, preach!

In Related News: Aug. 4: NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg donated $30 million of his own money to help the city's black and Hispanic youth overcome racial disparities. During a press conference Thursday, he announced the Young Men's Initiative -- a three-year $127 million initiative funded by the mayor's $30 million, another $30 million will come from hedge fund manager George Soros’ foundation and the remaining $67.5 million will be funded by city taxpayers -- focusing on jobs, education and family issues. The new program will overhaul the city's probation system and includes reforms to the city's education system and mentoring programs, including reducing suspensions of students, and redoubling efforts to close the academic achievement gap facing black and Latino boys. The mayor also said he and five other donors who he declined to name each gave $250,000 to pay for tests required for graduation from city high schools that were canceled early this year due to state budget cuts.



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