Monday, August 15, 2011

Woman: Hello, 911? I Misplaced My Remote; Cops: We'll Be Right There!

A Greeley, Colo. woman -- who, rightfully doesn't want to be identified -- called police last month after she misplaced her TV remote control and, because the cops in that town are so nice -- or have nothing better to do -- they showed up to help her look for it. Granted, the woman told them someone broke into her home and stole it. "I don't like to misplace things, I like to know where everything is," she tells KUSA. "I want to have a place for everything and I want everything in its place....I told [the cops], 'I'm not a well-to-do person.' I said, 'Why would someone take a remote or, steal it?'" Eventually, cops found the phantom remote in the woman's kitchen drawer. The woman who's clearly suffering from dementia or some other geriatric disease says if her remote goes missing again, she'll call police -- because "you can't be too careful anymore."



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