Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fed Up Postal Worker Loses His Cool, Goes Berserk

Remember yesterday's post about the man who punched his fiancee then went on an epic rash of bizarre crimes before he was carted off to jail? Well, Ross Urso of Tampa, Fla. is gunning for him. The 54-year-old postal worker was tired of "getting run off the road" so he decided to do something about it. Ross rammed his Mustang into a police cruiser, which set off a 3 and half mile chase and when he stopped, he exited his car, began jumping from car to car down the street and then started trying to direct traffic. Then, he stabbed a police officer with his car keys for good measure.

Meanwhile, in Woodstock, Ga., 33-year-old Patrick Byrum went on a rampage at the Sherwin-Williams store, where he worked as a manager, after something the synthethic weed known as "K2." Among the crimes he committed while high last night: fighting a female co-worker (Emily Brown) and attempting to carjack several passing vehicles and, assaulting an officer, of course!

sources: WTSP | WSB


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