Monday, September 26, 2011

This Is Your Brain on Drugs

Kids, please say no to drugs. If not, there will come a point where you will lose your darn mind -- like this donkey from Louisville, Ky.
It started on Saturday, shortly before noon. Police say 32-year-old Morris Matthews was riding in a vehicle with his fiance on Dixie Highway, en route to Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital, when he suddenly became combative. During the fighting, Matthews allegedly reached over and shoved his fiance's foot down on the gas pedal. As a result, the car began speeding northbound, out of control, "weaving in and out of traffic to avoid hitting other vehicles on the roadway." When they arrived at the hospital, Matthews allegedly punched his fiance in the right eye. As the woman ran away, police say Matthews got back in the car and tried to run her over, eventually plowing into other parked cars. One of the cars actually slid and struck the woman as she ran. At this point, police say Matthews got out of the car and robbed an elderly woman who happened to be walking nearby. He allegedly took her keys and started to drive away in her car, but ended up crashing it into another parked car. Matthews was not deterred. He got out of the car and ran back to his car, "taking off at a high rate of speed, almost running over two nurses in the parking lot," according to the arrest report. "Both nurses stated they dove between cars to keep from being run over," police say. Matthews pulled his car out into traffic and struck another motorist, running him off the road, according to the arrest report. He then mowed over a fire hydrant, and crashed his vehicle again. Police say another motorist stopped to assist him. Matthews attacked him, and "tried to take his truck." Unable to seize the truck, Matthews allegedly ran into a wooded area, followed by a police officer. When the officer arrived, Matthews "ran out of the woods, toward the officer and attacked him." The pair of them fought briefly, but Matthews was finally subdued.

source: WDRB
Morris was charged with wanton endangerment, robbery, resisting arrest and two counts of assault and criminal mischief. Shockingly -- oh, wait, not so surprisingly -- the wedding is still a go, because the fiancée is now defending Morris' actions, telling WDRB his craziness was "due to an allergic reaction from a new medication that had recently been prescribed to him." Yeah, good luck arguing that in court.


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