Monday, October 17, 2011

Actress Slaps Amazon With $1 Million Lawsuit For Publishing Her Real Age

An unnamed Asian-American actress has slapped Amazon with a civil suit, claiming the online retailer used her credit card details, obtained when she purchased an "industry insider" package from the Web site then posted her real age IMDb, the internet movie database which is owned by Amazon. The 40-year-old, who "looks so much younger than her actual age" and lives in Texas, says the publication of her real age has cost her jobs.
The actress, who uses an Americanized stage name to avoid the “cultural disadvantage” of her real Asian name, says that the credit-card interception is the only way the company could have learned her real age. She says IMDb refuses to remove her birth date from her profile and that she has since lost work because “lesser-known 40-year-old actresses are not in demand in the movie business.” The actress says that Amazon’s conduct amounts to fraud and breach of contract in light of an IMDb subscriber agreement that promises credit-card information will be encrypted and that Amazon will handle personal information “carefully and sensibly.” The lawsuit, which seeks $75,000 plus $1 million in punitive damages, also says Amazon breached the state of Washington’s privacy and consumer protection laws. This is not the first time that Amazon has been sued for allegedly revealing personal details about an actress. Eriko Tamuro, a Los Angeles woman was once a Britney Spears-like teen idol in Tokyo, settled a lawsuit with IMDb in 2007 after the site posted her real name and birth date.

source: PaidContent
Who could this be? This should be easy to figure out, because, really, how many Asian actresses live in Texas? But alas, we've did a quick search, but couldn't find a match. Sidebar: We don't believe this woman actually lives in Texas, She probably just owns a home there and decided to file the case in that jurisdiction to get some anonymity.

Here's the filing.


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