Monday, October 24, 2011

At One Memphis High School, Teaching is the Last Thing on Teachers' Minds

A lot of teachers know better than to engage in a sexual relationship with a student. Even the dumbest of them know that if you commit the egregious AND illegal act, you do it behind the cafeteria or in your car or at a budget motel. April Wade, 34, is not one of those teacher. She's a donkey. The Spanish teacher at Sheffield high School in Memphis, Tenn. is accused of having sex with a 17-year-old student, whom she moved into her home a year ago. April who has two young children, 2 and 8., is the ninth -- yes, ninth -- teacher at that high school to engage in an inappropriate relationship with a student within the last year, was arrested last Friday and charged with statutory rape by an authority figure and is currently free on bond. Hide ya kids.... Sidebar: Where IS this boy's parents?

source: WMC


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