Friday, October 21, 2011

Beyoncé Bumpgate: Mathew Knowles Wanted Beyoncé, Jay-Z to Raise His Illegitimate Son As Their Own

For the past few weeks, the Internet (and, to our surprise, legitimate media outlets) have been discussing in length Beyoncé's here today, gone tomorrow baby bump. Now, how's this for the rumor mill. Alexsandra Wright, 40, who is Mathew Knowles' jumpoff and baby mama, is now claiming Mathew "asked her to hand over the child they conceived during their affair" for Beyonce and her husband, Jay-Z, to raise as their own -- and she has the whole proposition thing on tape!
Alexsandra recalled: "My first thought when he asked me if I would give up our child to Beyonce and Jay-Z was, 'Are you out of your mind?' The actress, who gave birth to son Nixon on February 4 last year after her 18-month extramarital affair with Beyonce's father and former manager ended, added: "Nothing in the world, no amount of money would make me give up my child, you can't buy my child from me!" "Maybe Mathew thought money could buy anything," she added. Alexsandra, who says she recorded her conversation with Mathew, then went on to ponder: "I don't know why he suggested it." When that peculiar suggestion was rebuffed, Mathew then allegedly went on to offer the new mother money to leave his name off the birth certificate. She rebuffed this offer, too....Alexsandra, who claimed that Mathew 'prayed for a boy' and desperately wanted the child, says she believes that Beyonce knew nothing of her father's strange scheme. "I don't believe that Beyonce or anybody else has a clue about what was flying out of Mathew's mouth," she insisted. I don't think it was anybody but Mathew."

source: The Daily Mail
This sounds absolutely insane. But, we wait with bated breath for Mathew's response. Sidebar: That's Alexsandra and baby Nixon, above.


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