Monday, October 17, 2011

Cabbie Extorts Underage Drinker

Here's some crazy news you can use. A 19-year-old woman from Athens, Ga. says after a night of drinking Saturday, she hailed a cab to take her home, but the cabbie told her to give her he would tell police she had been drinking underage -- but he could change his mind, if she gave him some money.
She gave the driver $5 and hurried to her door after he stopped at her apartment, but did not notice he had followed her to the door until she opened it, and he pushed his way in, police said. Inside, he told her he would call police if she did not give him $100 or “something else,” according to the report. She then took $80 from her purse, shoved it in his hand and pushed him out the door. The driver groped her as she pushed him out the door, police said. The woman told police she was worried about getting in trouble for underage drinking and did not realize the seriousness of what had happened until she slept off the alcohol the next morning and was encouraged by a roommate to call police, according to the report.

source: Athens Banner-Herald
The perp/perv is described as a 5-foot-7-inch heavyset black man in his 40s with thinning hair. If you see something, say something.


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