Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello, 911? Come Quick! I Tried to Fly, But Didn't Make It

Last week, 31-year-old Curt Gardiner threw himself off of Malan's Peak near Ogden, Utah hoping to catch wind in an extreme sport known as speed gliding or speed flying, but things didn't go as planned. He fell off several feet down the side of the mountain and and shattered both ankle bones after landing. Luckily, he had his cell phone, which he used to call 911. he told the dispatcher, "I was running off the mountain, trying to speed fly and I didn't make it....My foot is just barely hanging on..I'm looking at my ankle bone right now....I need some help bad." It took rescuers almost an hour to hike down to the mountain and rescue Curt. The news report didn't say, but we reckon he will be okay.

source: KSAE


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