Friday, October 28, 2011

Man Petends to Be Deaf to Avoid Arrest

And now the Donkey of the Day... Last Saturday night, police in New Lenox Township, Illi., pulled over over a white Pontiac Grand Prix for crossed over the center lane three times. When the officer approached the driver Brandon Nesbitt, 22, and his passenger, Terrance Godfrey, 39, who were not wearing seat belts. As the officer began asking for IDs, Terrance began throwing up indistinguishable gang signs or hand gestures believed to be sign language. Brandon told the officer Terrance was "deaf and dumb." But when back-up arrived, he miraculously began hearing things. When he told to get out of the car, he did. When he was told to write down his name and date of birth down on piece of paper, he did. Then when he finally realized his cover the ruse was up, Terrance began speaking, giving officers a false name before attempting to flee, but cops soon found his wallet with an ID in the car. As it turns out, Terrance is thief who's currently on parole and is wanted for impersonating a police officer. He was arrested for obstructing justice and resisting arrest. Brandon was cited for traffic violations.

Actually, there are three donkeys today. Nicole Faccenda, 42, was arrested after she tried to hire a hit man to kill her ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend. Nicole said she had taken precautions to avoid being set up after watching several Lifetime Network movies. Now her attorneys are trying to make it seem as if she's crazy. She's crazy all right.

If there's anything we can learn from Mandy Marie Whaley is: don't try to rob a bank a whim. The 34-year-old, who's unemployed and down on her luck (but loves being on her back), walked into a Tacoma, Wash. bank last week to conduct business. Frankly, we don't know what sort of business she was there to conduct, but those phantom plans changed after she received a call from her daughter saying she needed money for school. Mandy quickly wrote a note demanding cash (or she'll shoot a bitch) and handed it to the teller. After the robbery, Mandy counted the money, but realized it was not enough to cover her bills -- including paying the electricity bill, which is about to be disconnected. After she was arrested, Mandy -- who has five kids and one grandchild -- initially told investigators she had no idea what they were talking about because she was not in the bank that day. Then they produced the surveillance tape and Mandy started talking. She told cops couldn't recall how much money she stole, but she spent $20 on two pizzas, $200 on Halloween costumes and another $100 at a nightclub. The rest of the money, she claims, was stolen by jumpoff she met at the club that night and brought back to her home. So, in lieu of paying her bills she bought Halloween costumes and went to a club? Yea, she's a donkey. Hee-haw!

[Thanks Jazmin for the tip.]

sources: WBBM | WCBS | News Tribune


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