Monday, November 7, 2011

Bad Driver is a Worse Shot

This lady doesn't appreciate it when you criticize her. Sharon Brabham, a 31-year-old woman Bamberg County, SC, is facing attempted murder charges after she admitted to firing a pistol at a man who criticized her driving last Thursday afternoon. According to reports, the man approached Sharon at Walgreens and confronted her about reckless driving, when she pulled out a .380-caliber handgun and shot at him. She missed him but hit another man's car. After the local newspaper reported the shooting, the victim man gave his account of what happened: "Coming into town she passed me and the car behind me on a double yellow coming into a curve and I had to hit the brakes and veer to the right to let her get in front of me because a car was coming around the curve. Once in town she was doing nascar manuvers around anyone in her way and still never got more than 100 yards from my car. When she pulled into Walgreens I pulled in, rolled down my window and asked her where she learned to drive, never exiting my vehicle. She opened her door, said "you don't follow me around you son of a ****" and took a shot at me. Neither she nor I exited our vehicles before she took the shot, she opened her door to get a shot at me but didn't actually get out, my door was closed, window down, I was around 15 to 20 feet from her. After the shot I pulled forward to block her in and went inside to ask someone to call the police. Even odder, she actually worked there, so while I'm inside asking someone to call the cops she comes in, cusses me out and goes to clock in. And the funniest part of it all, while she missed me sitting in my Lincoln Towncar she did hit her bosses car on the other side of mine. Not only is she in deep doo-doo with the law but I strongly suspect she's no longer employed." Sharon is facing additional charges of possession of a firearm in commission of a violent crime, discharging a firearm in city limits and malicious damage to a vehicle.

source: Post and Courier


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