Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lady Gives Man Professional in Back Seat of Police Cruiser...While On Their Way to Jail

A sloppy thing happened on Tina Marie Arie and Howard Keith Windham's ride to jail yesterday. Police arrived at a Whataburger in Houston, Texas-area after several calls from patrons of a drunk man trying to wake his friend -- who was also drunk and passed out on the floor - by slapping him. According to police, while searching the unconscious male for identification, they found dozens of Hydrocodone and Soma (muscle relaxant) pills. While this was going on, Howard, 30, attempted to drop something under the table, but officers retrieved it -- it was a Soma tablet, which are considered as a controlled substance in Texas. During a search of his person, police found another tablet in Howard's pocket. He was going to jail. Tina, 44, who was watching all of this go down, admitted to police she gave the the unidentified unconscious male some of her Hydrocodone. Prescription bottles recovered from her vehicle contained Hydrocodone and Soma matching the appearance of the pills removed from the pocket of the unconscious male. She was going to jail, too. Since both of these upstanding citizens were heading to the same jail, officers decided two transport them in the same police cruiser. The Police Reporter says, while en route to central booking, the deputy noticed the pair moving around in the back of the patrol car. He looked in his rear view mirror and could no longer see Tina. She told the deputy she had her head on Howard's lap because she was tired. However, when the deputy pulled over to the side of the road, he could see that despite both parties being handcuffed behind their backs, Howard's pants were unfastened and Tina was "servicing his exposed genitalia." The officer told them to stop what they're doing and they continued the long, lonely ride to jail.

source: Montgomery County Police Reporter


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