Thursday, November 3, 2011

WATCH: Next Ex, Queen Reads, Yoga Hater

Alberto Palao is not the boyfriend you want -- or ex-boyfriend, for that matter. The 21-year-old is facing charges and remains jailed after he went door-to-door last week looking for his ex-girlfriend, kicking down doors, tossing large rocks through windows and at at car. This is one is a keeper.

This fella, who was ticketed for driving illegally in the car pool lane on a San Francisco highway, let KRON 4 reporter Stanley Roberts HAVE IT! Ehaow!

Police are looking for this gentleman who hates greeting cards. The man, seen on surveillance video, walked into a CVS pharmacy in Long Island, NY, doused a greeting card display with gasoline and lit it on fire then ran out of the store.

Meanwhile, in Louisville, Ky., 27-year-old Tazra Litsey burglarized the home where a man was murdered the day before. According police, a neighbor saw Tazra breaking into the home then witnessed jer unscrewing light bulbs so the scene would be dark. When cops arrived, they found tazra inside the home holding a computer. When she saw the officers' flashlights, she tried to run out the back door and attempted to scale a nearby fence.

A couple who purchased a foreclosed home for $10,000 as-is are SHOCKED! that the home is a dilapidated mess.

Mark Driscoll, a Seattle megachurch pastor who has rallied against Avatars, bumper stickers and stay-at-home dads, tells his parishioners they shouldn't practice yoga because it's demonic.

And in Houston, Ashley invited her dad, David, to dance at her wedding. This is joy rising. (Make sure you watch the entire video.)


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