Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WATCH: Nothing Good Happens After Midnight, What's That Smell?

Here's a story that will get your head spinning. Early Tuesday morning, a woman told police she went to a 46-year-old Cleosey D. Henderson's home in Louisville, Ky. to collect money he owed her, but he had other plans. She claims he strangled her until she passed out. When she came to, he strangled her again, tied her up, removed her clothes, gave her a professional and "forced her to inhale crack cocaine and prevented her from calling 911." She was eventually able to free herself and leave the residence, but he caught up with her and slashed her with a knife. She was taken to a hospital and Cleosey was arrested. Call us cynics, but there ought to be more to this bizarre story.

A college student went on a drug-fueled rampage on Monday, shortly after he was kicked off the school's basketball team for missing a game. At 11:30pm Monday, Leonard Tyrell Young ran from his home to a gas station then attempted to drive off in a police cruiser. After several attempts, he was successfully Tasered and bitten by the K9 the hauled off to jail.

Last month, emergency personnel in Salt Lake City responded to call that an elderly woman had suffered a stroke. Once they arrived, they couldn't believe the horror. The woman, 75-year-old Carol Brown, was described by emergency responders as a “rotting corpse still breathing.” Her leg had become fused to a reclining chair -- where she has been sitting in her own bodily fluids and waste -- for God knows how long. Maggots had also infested an ankle wound. Carol was taken to a hospital, where she died. Carol's son told police he was honoring his mother's wishes to die in the home. He could face charges.

What's that smell?!?


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