Thursday, December 29, 2011

WATCH: Cocaine is a Helluva Drug; Lady Robs Banks, Gives Cash to Kids

Alexandra K. Dahm is a mess. After a night of clubbing ion Atlanta, the 19-year-old went back to a home with five complete stranger she et at the club. When she awoke this morning, she texted a male friend saying she was being held hostage. In fact, the texts reads: "they will not allow me out of the car" and "several Asian males armed with multiple shotguns." That was enough, and Alexandra's friend called police, which sent a SWAT to the home. Several hours later, Alexandra walked out of the house several hours later and said she was not in any danger. She was just doing cocaine all night long and was hallucinating. Dahm admitted that she was using cocaine last night and "may have over-exaggerated her text messages." She also admitted to deleting her text messages. Police arrested her, and while at the jail, she was caught trying to flush cocaine down the toilet. She was charged with possession of cocaine and tampering with evidence. Her mother will be so proud.

Tasha Franklin, 25, of Hollywood, Florida is has a thing for paint. Six months after she broke up with her boyfriend (we're gonna guess he humped her), Tasha showed up at his workplace last week and threw pink paint on him and his his car, spray painted the car and bit the man on the arm.

Jasmin Rivera, a homeless woman with serious psychiatric problems, robbed a bank in Boston on Wednesday then was caught handing out the cash to kids in a park.

A male pschyciatrc patient at the Chambersburg Hospital in Pennsylvania says another patient, Barry Spoonhour, 46, sexually assaulted him in a a darkened TV room. According to police, the victim said he din't stop the raping, because he feared Barry would hit him. He reported the crime when Barry went to bed, but the victim is reluctant to press charges because "Spoonhour was a good man and had done something bad....God had forgiven Spoonhour, so criminal charges would not be necessary." But cops are pressing on and Barry was arrested.


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