Thursday, December 8, 2011

WATCH: Defending the Indefensible, Cleanup in Aisle Nine

And the donkey of the day is 18-year-old Jonathon Wright. He's facing child abuse charges after his 2-month-old son, Tristan, suffered a skull fracture, a cut on his cheek and a handprint shaped bruise on his leg. But, Jonathon (who was taking care of the child while his 17-year-old baby mama was out of the home), was the only person at home at the time the baby was hurt. Well, aside from their two Chihuahuas. Jonathon says the dogs attacked the baby, because they're "jealous." Yeah, good luck with that defense in court.

How do you teach your girlfriend's underage daughter about the dangers of sexting? Texting a nude photo of her to everyone in her contacts list, isn't it. Idiot.

Tyra Batts is our person of the day. The 15-year-old high school basketball player says her teammates have an extremely racist pre-game ritual: Before every game, the other girls on the team would "huddle up in a circle and go one, two, three...and say [N-word]." Tyra, who's the only black person on the team, reported the racist ritual to school administrators and about a dozen of the girls on the team were suspended. (BTW, this happened in Kenmore, NY.)

Here's some good news. Life has a dealt 78-year-old Edgar Lewis of Dallas a deck of bad cards, but this afternoon some generous people gave Edgar an early Christmas.

Elizabeth Alisha Greta Halfmoon, 45, was caught cooking meth inside a Walmart. She was in the store for six hours! She told police she was "too broke to buy the chemicals," so she went to the Walmart, where all of those ingredients are readily available, to make the drug.


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