Friday, December 2, 2011

Woman, 22, Jailed For Skipping School -- Five Years Ago!

If you missed 10 days (or any segment of a day for 10 days within a six-month period) of school in Texas, there's a warrant out for your arrest! While you find a defense lawyer, watch what happened to Christy Ivey -- a 22-year-old mother of two. Way back in the day when she was knocked up with her older child, Christy was enrolled in a school for pregnant teens -- but her regular high school thought she was MIA and charged with truancy and a truancy warrant was issued for her arrest. Last night, her past caught up with her and Christy was thrown in jail. Sidebar: In California, child who is absent from school without valid excuse three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during one school day on three occasions during the school year or any combination thereof is considered truant and should be reported to the supervisor of the school district. In Connecticut, any public or private school and has four unexcused absences in a month or 10 in any school year. Then you're in violation. In Illinois, a child who is absent without valid cause for 10 percent out of 180 consecutive days is in violation. In Lousiana, a student is considered truant when the child has been absent from school for five school days in schools operating on a semester system and for ten days in schools not operating on a semester basis. In Virginia, you're in violation if you're absent five days during the school year without a valid excuse. The law exists in several other states, too. Generally, the parents are held responsible and fined and in some cases, jailed for not taking reasonable steps to ensure their child is attending school. If a truant student is found, he or she is generally detained and tken to juvenile court

sources: KRIV | Enotes


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