Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Police Tell Battered Woman She's at Fault

Back on Jan. 11, Pamela Anderson called 911 in Gwinnett County, Georgia to report her boyfriend, Edward McGee, had attacked her and was trying to kick himself back into the house. But, when officers arrived they determined that although Pamela was bloody and bruised with scratches with a nasty gash on her neck and size 12 shoe prints on the door, she was the aggressor and threatened to arrest her. Wait, what now? Edward told officers Pamela charged at him with a brick and scratched his car so he pushed her to the ground in self defense. No one was actually arrested that night, but Pamela obtained a restraining order. The police department stands by its decision.

Meanwhile, in Tampa, Christopher Hanney is on trial for attempting to murder his wife, Audrey. According to the woman, Christopher assaulted her back in 2009 because he believed she had cheated on him and their oldest son was fathered by another man. What happens next is startling. Audrey says Christopher cut her with a knife, lit a candle and tossed gasoline on her. Christopher took the stand in his own defense and claims Audrey and another man tried to rob him. He said his wife tried to light him on fire using a candle, but her plan went up in smoke and backfired.

UPDATE, Jan 26: The jury found Christopher of attempted murder, aggravated battery and arson. He faces life in prison.


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