Monday, January 23, 2012

WATCH: Crackheads Are Outta Contol! (Part 998,879), UPS Deliveryman Drives on Sidewalk, Black Women and AIDS

We know our stance on forced sterilizations isn't popular, but we're gonna continue to say it: People have kids just because it's too damn easy and some of these people shouldn't be allowed to have kids. For instance, homeless crackhead Ora Boler shouldn't be allowed to breed. The 35-year-old Mother of the Year Award nominee is charged with reckless endangerment after her newborn tested positive for cocaine. But wait! She has six kids and four of them were born with cocaine in their system. And yes, she lives in good ole Memphis!

A "lazy" UPS driver has been fired for driving his delivery truck on the sidewalk in Gainesville, Fla. This was also a school zone. Police didn't see him do it, but had they, the unnamed driver -- who's worked for UPS for 11 years -- would've received a $154 fine and possible points on his license.

Mark your calendars. January is "divorce month."

Blake Sanderford is a donkey - and, oh, yes, he's nasty. The 21-year-old from Metaire, Louisiana sexually abused his dog and posted photos of the assault on the Internet. Idiot.

Sex addict Andre Davis, who proudly calls himself the "Gangsta of Love," was sentenced to 32 years in prison for not telling 11 women he had sex with that he was HIV-positive. In November, a jury convicted Davis of 14 of the 15 felonious assault charges against him. Ohio law requires those who are positive for the virus that can cause AIDS to inform sex partners of their status. In many cases, the 29-year-old father of five didn’t inform his partners. In some, they asked and he lied. During the trial, Andre blamed the victims and during sentencing told the court he's a " loving and compassionate man". He says he didn't tell anyone about his status because he didn't want to be judged. (Sidebar: None of the 11 victims have tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS.)

Meanwhile, in Dallas, Texas, black women are eight times more likely to be infected with HIV than white women. In fact, although black women account for 22% of the city's population, they make up 71% of all HIV infections.

We don't know what this woman on a train in Toronto is on or saying -- possibly because she's speaking "pirate."

Courtney Hailey is facing criminal charges after he forged his time sheet and was paid $3,700.55 for work he didn't do.

Meanwhile, in Albuquerque, NM, Karim Jaekel, 40, entered the Peace and Justice Center with two knives. He was dressed in robes and proceeded to stab a a statue -- while speaking in tongues. He's charged with aggravated assault. Aggravated assault?

What the hell just happened?

The body of a homeless man was found in a load of laundry that arrived at a Phoenix industrial facility. Workers at a medical facility said they found a man sleeping in the laundry bins and told him to leave, but he returned to sleep and died either of a medical condition or suffocated amid plastic bags. A bottle of liquor was found with the unnamed 54-year-old man's body.


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