Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WATCH: Woman Shames Son, Public Transit Unsafe for Life

Dynesha Lax is not taking your sh*t, out of control kid. When the courts refused to properly punish her 14-year-son -- who was arrested for stealing and selling drugs -- she made a sign and forced him to wear it around his neck for two hours along a busy highway in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Kudos to you, Dynesha! If all mothers were as concerned about their kids, we wouldn't have behavior like.....

...this! Police in Portland, Oregon are seeking the public's help in identifying three girls who attacked a 14-year-old girl on a train. Police aren't saying it, but this is obviously a hate crime. Think about it, had this been three white girls wailing on a black girl, there would be public uproar, no?

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a mentally-challenged woman boarded a bus with a stroller full of pillows and got into a pushing match with two sheriff's deputies Monday night. The male deputy responded with an elbow to the woman's face. Passengers on the bus said the woman did nothing wrong and this is police brutality. Sidebar: Cops claim they received a call from someone on the bus saying the woman hit an elderly passenger. The sheriff also claims the woman has several prior arrests for assaulting officers. Sounds like spin to us.

John and Danika Shipman are donkeys. The couple locked their two Yorkies in the trunk of their car while they ate dinner and are mad at police and firefighters for rescuing the animals. Granted, it was 55ยบ degrees outside, but you shouldn't lock animals in the trunk.

This is the work of someone, albeit creative, with a lot of time on his hands.

At a house part in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Monday, Polly Snyder, 44, got into a fight with 56-year-old Stephen Medawis. During the fight, Stephen bit off the woman's nose. Police recovered it, but it was unknown if it could be re-attached.

Usually, C-SPAN callers are racists, but apparently, they're pranksters, too. This morning, a gentleman caller asked Wayne MacDonald, chairman of the New Hampshire Republican party: "Do you believe that Mitt Romney has a big penis?"

Hey, kids! The ice cream truck is here. Oh, wait!

LOOK: Andrei Bibbs, 54, of Blue Island, Illinois, was arrested Saturday for DUI. From the look at his mugshot he's surprised or jailers dangled a drink before him while taking this photo.


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