Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tracy Morgan's Mom is Facing Foreclosure, He Offers Her $2000

We don't what the hell is going on between comedian Tracy Morgan and his mother, from whom he is estranged, and his sister, but it can't be good. His mother is thisclose to losing her home to foreclosure --it's the economy, stupid -- but Tracy offered her a measly $2000. His sister is livid and is putting Tracy ON BLAST!
Tracy Morgan ’s mother is about to lose her house — and she says her multimillionaire son won’t help her. Alicia Warden, who lives in northeast Ohio (and spoke on the condition we not reveal the exact location), says she owes less than $25,000 on her home, but the most the “30 Rock” star — who is worth $18 million, according to Forbes — offered to give her was a one-time payment of $2,000. The comic’s younger sister, Asia Morgan, 41, confirms their mom’s financial woes and calls her famous brother a “d– bag.” She says she’s done keeping quiet about Tracy, 43. “Because of the way he’s treating our mother, all bets are off,” says Asia. “He’s never been a nice person,” says Asia, who lives about an hour and a half away from her mother. “And money’s just made it worse.” Warden, 61, says her mortgage company has notified her that if she doesn’t make a minimum payment by Feb. 23, it will begin foreclosure proceedings on her home. She adds that her utilities are about to be turned off and she’s about to lose her car as well. “My mom’s house isn’t extravagant, but it’s her home, Her health is failing. She has diabetes, and her legs are giving out on her,” says Asia. “This would be a drop in the bucket for Tracy. She has a son that can do, and she’s done everything that she could possibly could for her family.” Warden says she worked until February 2011, when she lost her job. Not long after that, she adds, she first approached Tracy about helping her. She claims he initially agreed to pay off her house, but changed his mind after accusing her of giving an interview to the media. (She denies doing this.) Her unemployment benefits have run out, and Warden says she asked her son for help earlier this month. After explaining what she owed, she says a woman working for him called back and told her, “Tracy’s offering you a one-shot deal” of $2,000. “I told her, ‘Thank you, but no thank you. I’m not some person in the street,” Warden says, adding “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.” “God don’t like ugly,” Warden says. “Karma comes back to you.” Asia also reiterates what her mother told us last week about Morgan’s book, “I Am the New Black.” “It’s 99 percent bulls—,” she says. “My mother did everything she could,” Asia adds. “She ran numbers, but she did it to put food on the table. We were raised in the [Tompkins] projects [in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn}, but we didn’t think we were poor.” We wonder if this situation is part of the 99. Morgan writes that regardless of the estrangement from his family, “I love my mother and always will. She did the best she could.” A spokesman for Morgan did not respond by our deadline.

source: NY Daily News
This can only get messy. Mama Warden giving the News this interview won't help her case. The again, this is all about shaming Tracy -- which she's accomplished. We wonder how what happened (we didn't read his book) to cause this rift, but since there's a backstory, why does she believe he's obligated to throw money at her? Perhaps, it's because she's his mother and she will always be his mother, no matter what. Remember Mariah Carey's HIV-positive sister, Alison, who encountered financial difficulties? She found a way to make it work. And no, we're not suggesting Tracy's mother take Alison's advice.

Update, Feb. 2: Tracy's publicist released this statement: "I am saddened that these untrue stories about me have people questioning my commitment to my family. For reasons that are between us, I have not seen my mother in 11 years and outside of a random call here and there have had little to no contact with my sister. We all have personal family issues that we have to deal with in life, but I choose to deal with mine in private and not through the media.”

Update # 2: Ms Warden goes on camera to air out Tracy. She says she doesn't know why Tracey hates her and his siblings.

Here's more....

Warden has reapplied for jobless benefits and is awaiting a response. She also has filed for a modification of her mortgage loan. If the modification is denied by her lender, CCO Mortgage, she expects foreclosure will begin. Warden fears she could be put out of her home possibly by the end of the month. In the meantime, she sits in her crime-filled neighborhood and awaits her fate. “My windows got shot out last year,” she said. “My car has been shot up. Two of my former foster children [she has had 20] have been killed. I fear for my life, and I don’t tell anyone who I am.”
In 2001, “Saturday Night Live” did a Mother’s Day special, and Warden went to New York and appeared on the show. But what could have been a warm reunion went bad, and harsh words were passed between mother and son. Warden said the distance between them actually had started a little before then. “He had some attitude and treated [her and her daughter, Asia] like dirt when we did the show,” said Warden. “I still don’t know why.” Still, a photo of Warden and Tracy from the “SNL” shoot sits on her mantel. Warden visited her son again in 2002 for the funeral of her ex-husband. Warden said her ex was a drug addict who died of AIDS. “Tracy felt like if I hadn’t put [her ex-husband] out of the house, he might still be alive today,” said Warden. “I said, ‘You’re being selfish ... Would you have wanted us both to be dead?’” Morgan, she said, also has severed his relationships with his extended family still living in Brooklyn. Until last year, she said, she had never asked her famous son for a dime. “I bought my own house,” she said. According to the real-estate valuation website, her house was purchased in 1998 for $31,400. It’s estimated value today is about $28,000.
Warden talked about the painful time that surrounded her divorce. “The judge took my kids into his chambers and asked them where they wanted to live. My oldest son said with me, and Tracy and his sister and other brother said with dad.” Tracy was 13 at the time. “That’s the only time my kids ever made me cry,” she said. But within a few months, her children began to ask to move in with her, and eventually all of them did, although Tracy later would go back to his father. “Their father did have problems with Tracy,” said Warden. “But he told the kids, ‘Don’t you blame your mom [for the divorce].’ All of the other kids understood, except Tracy. He didn’t want to.” Warden said she gave her all to her children, and loved them all dearly. When pressed about Tracy’s animosity toward her, she paused for a moment and speculated. “Is it the fame, the spotlight?,” she said.

source: Vindy


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