Friday, February 17, 2012

WATCH: Black-on-Black Hate Crime, Mom Forces 10-year-old Son to Walk 5 Miles to School

Let's just get it out of the way now: How You Doin, Glenn E. Morgan, Jr! The 41-year-old Detroit man was sentenced to three months in prison for mailing Carl and Susan Smith, an interracial couple he's never met, photographs of black men being lynched and a photograph of the murdered body of Nicole Brown Simpson. The envelope also contained threatening written messages indicating that black men who marry white women should be lynched and that white women who marry black men will share Nicole Brown Simpson's fate. Glenn -- who's black and describes himself on his Twitter profile (which is now defunct) as an activist, educator, entrepreneur, journalist, writer and founder of the National Black Men's Education Association (NBMEA) -- obviously, is not right in the head. Coincidentally, he was begging people for money to pay for his PhD program and promised to "pay it forward even if [he's] not fortunate enough to secure [his] desired financial goal." So far he's raised a whopping $5. Bwahahaha. Anyhoo, once he's released from prison, he must serve two years’ supervised probation, perform 200 hours of community service and pay a $2,000 fine.

Lincoln Brown -- a white teacher -- is suing Chicago's Board of Education after he was suspended for using the N-word during a sixth grade history class discussion about racism.

10-year-old Nequavion Borders lost his bus-riding privileges for five days because he likes to throw temper tantrums -- a lot. So, to teach him a lesson, Nequavion's mother forced him to walk to school -- five miles away. Someone noticed and called police, who drove the boy to school and cited his mother for endangering the welfare of a minor. Nequavion doesn't want his mother -- who faces up to one year in jail -- to get into trouble. "She did the right thing," he says. "She knew that I had been suspended off the bus five days, so she didn't do nothing wrong. She made me walk. I just had to walk. They shouldn't have picked me up. I could've walked by myself."

23-year-old college student Miranda Davis, who gets a $3,500 monthly allowance from random men -- just because. Is this legal?


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