Friday, February 3, 2012

WATCH: Lady Reads Bible to Man, He Slashes Her Throat; Dummy Announces Candidacy For President of the United States

Police in Shelby, NC are looking for a man who committed a rather bizarre crime. Last Wednesday night, 32-year-old Lindsay Wood was returning from church when she was accosted by an armed man in her driveway. For more than hour, she read the Bible to the man (and invited him to church) -- all the while he's holding a knife to her throat. The man slashed Lindsay's throat and told her he was sorry before fleeing. (She needed 25 staples to close the wound.) Sidebar: The woman's 15-year-old son was hiding on the side of the house during all of this. Here's a question that we want answered: Why didn't he call police if he knew a man was attacking his mother for more than hour!?!

The American Civil Liberties Union is suing North Central Regional Library District (that's in Washington state) for not offering online p0rn. Wait, what?

A New York City police officer says he saw 18-year-old Ramarley Graham "adjusting his waistband" about 3pm Thursday in the Bronx. The teen then walked or ran (depends on who you ask) inside his home. Officers kicked in the front door and found Ramarley in the bathroom where they shot him dead in front of his 6-year-old brother. The officer said he thought Ramarley had a gun, but the teenager had no gun -- he had a bag of weed and was reportedly flushing it down the toilet. The fact of the matter is: What officers did in this case is racial profiling and it's wrong. If this were some white kid in an affluent neighborhood, this would have never happened. There, we said it. Black men lives are valuable, too. And since this is NYC, this cop will probably not face any repercussions the city will give Ramarley's family a few million dollars to make them go away. It's a sad state of affairs.

Here's an interesting discussion with some of Philadelphia's prominent black men on why young black men are murdering one another.

Cats sure are independent creatures. Take a look.

Water is the cure-all for all diseases. So says Dr. F. Batmanghelidj -- who's dead, by the way.

“I thought, hey, if they need to put a dummy in the White House, let's put a real dummy in the White House. With me, you already know who's pulling on my strings," says Republican presidential candidate Bosworth. (Sidebar: To see where Bosworth stands on the issues, check out his YouTube channel.)

This video is a few years old, but since it's Black History Month...


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