Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WATCH: Nana Nightmare

Grandmother of the Year Joyce Hardin Garrard was charged with the murder of her 9-year-old granddaughter, Savannah Hardin. Police say Joyce made the girl run around the house for three hours(!!!) without stopping because she ate chocolate on the school bus on Friday. The autopsy showed little Savannah died from severe dehydration and low sodium as a result of running for hours without any water. The girl's stepmother, Jessica Mae Hardin, 26, was also charged with murder.

Grandmother of the Year Shirley Hagerman, 56, is facing battery charges after she burned her 4 and 6 year old grandsons on their tongues with a heater. Yep, sounds exactly like what a meth head would do.

Mother of Year Tracey Betts, a teaching assistant at an elementary school in Temecula, California, was arrested last week after her 12-year-old daughter was found naked and eating out of trash cans. According to police, Tracey left her daughter naked (even without shoes) in the parked car about a block away from the elementary school where she worked so she wouldn’t leave while her mother was at work. Tracey was arrested and charged with child endangerment. The girl was taken into protective custody and received unspecified treatment at a hospital.

Obviously, you know touchscreen devices are filthy, but the next time you go the Best Buy in Tulsa Hill, Okla., bring LOTS of hand sanitizer. PS: This CAN NOT be unseen.

The City of Atlanta threatened to disconnect the water at the the home of a 91-year-old bedridden woman.

Norwegian Recycling is responsible for this brilliant Whitney Houston mash-up with Adele, Bruno Mars and Florence and the Machine.


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