Friday, February 24, 2012

WATCH: White Lies, Mom Injects Daughters with Heroin, Student Uses Scholarship Money to Start Drug-Dealing Business

Earlier this month, the videotaped beating of Brandon White, a 20-year-old gay man in Atlanta went viral. Days later, Brandon held a press conference in which he claimed three random strangers beat him outside of a corner store because he's gay. Well. Well. Well. Not only did Brandon know his attackers, he had video of his cell phone of the three men having, ahem, "relations," and Brandon threatened to out his attackers for being on the DL. According to a gay activist group in Atlanta who stood with Brandon at that presser, the three men didn't beat Brandon because he's gay -- they were just trying to retrieve his phone to delete the video. Whether Brandon is found to be a messy queen and a liar, that doesn't negate the fact that he was beaten -- and that's still a crime. (Sidebar: Brandon's attorney says his client didn't lie.)

Johnette Nation has some issues only an MD or a corrections officer can fix. Maybe. For some time now, she's been collecting donations for her 7-year-old son, Nathan, whom she's been telling people (including members of her family) the boy is dying of equine encephalitis -- a virus that usually affects horses, but on rare occasions humans contract it. (There's no cure for humans.) But after a few weeks, the Nathan's father discovered Johnette was perpetrating a fraud. Yesterday, a judge awarded Nathan’s father full temporary custody. And guess what Johnette did? She attempted suicide. Yep, she's a Mother of the Year nominee.

Another Mother of Year, Shantel Parker is behind bars tonight for injecting her 16- and 14-year-old daughters with heroin before sending them to school. Police say Shantel, 35, injected the girls with heroin at least 50 times and provided them with other drugs since early December, 2011. After cops put out an APB on her ass, she was arrested at The Ohio State University Hospital. She had checked herself into the hospital and claimed she was having suicidal thoughts.

Police chases are nothing new in Los Angeles, but for this 40-year-old car jacker, it's lights out.

And the Donkey of the Day is... Preston Bailey. Oh, excuse us, Preston Bailey III. The 23-year-old, 315-pound football player at Middle Tennessee State was arrested last week and charged with weed possession after cops raided his off-campus apartment and found a pound of weed, 6 pounds of hash, scales (and other paraphernalia) and $3000 in cash. He told police he used his scholarship money to start up a drug-dealing business. His mother must be so proud.

If you've got $50 million in your pockets and interested in art -- African-American memorabilia, specifically -- then watch this. Nathaniel "Magnificent" Montague has been collecting African-American memorabilia since the 1950s and it's grown to become one of the most impressive and expansive collection in the world. (It's valued between $50 million and $100 million.) But he's recently filed for bankruptcy and placed the items on the auction block, but there hasn't been any takers -- yet. If there isn't a buyer, the collection could be seized by the banks.

After 94 days on a roof, Pastor Corey Brooks finally came down. He has been camping out on the roof as part of a pledge to raise $450,000 to purchase the land and build a community center across from his Chicago church. But, he reach his goal today. Tyler Perry donated $100,000 and an anonymous donor kicked in $85,000. All he needs now is $15 million to build the community center.

Jacob Marshall of Clarksville, Tenn. posted an ad on Craigslist offering to sell a baby for $850. He said it was a "joke." Cops are not laughing.

In Westchester, NY, Douglas Kennedy,the son of Robert F. Kennedy has been charged with harassment and endangering the welfare of a child for attacking two nurses who tried to stop him from taking his 2-day-old baby boy from a maternity unit back on Jan. 7. No one is allowed to take a baby from a maternity ward -- especially take a baby outside for "fresh air" -- until that child has been discharged. Then again, he's a Kennedy. The same rules don't apply.

Meanwhile, in a Muskegon County, Michigan courtroom this morning, Niyata Brown was asking a judge to extend an order of protection she had against Jessica Keys, whom she claims harassed her. But the judge found insufficient evidence to continue the protection order and terminated it on the spot. As Niyata was leaving the witness stand, she pulled off her scarf and attacked Jessica. (Sidebar: Why were there no court officers around? They only arrived a minute after the brawl begun.) We wonder if the protection order was reinstated.

The Florida Highways are not safe for troopers.

Last night, Nike released 1,200 pairs of the "Galaxy" Foamposite sneaker and it was "foamsanity." Nike (or was it individual retailers?) canceled the sale at most stores, but the lucky few are offloading their catch on eBay...

...And someone just paid $99,100 for a pair on eBay.

It's the weekend. Sip some tea 'til we see you here on Monday.

Here are the previous episodes:


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