Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Man Unleashes Chemical Attack on Neighbors to Force Them to Move Out

A dispute between neighbors in a St. Helens, Oregon duplex apartment led one man to take drastic (and criminal) actions Tuesday night. According to police, 51-year-old Patrick Stangis admitted to using a rice cooker to warm up urine and other common household chemicals and then pumping the fumes into the apartment upstairs to force neighbors to move out. Five people (two men and three women) living in that apartment suffered nausea, vomiting and headaches. Four of the victims, aged 18 to 22, were taken to the hospital. Patrick told police he took precautions to protect himself from the unidentified fumes. Police say there have been many complaints about the home in recent weeks due to noise complaints. "Both neighbors have called in and complained about each other," St. Helens Police Chief Steve Salle said. "He's admitted to doing things in the past like burning hair and causing fumes to go up through the heating ducts to the upstairs apartment." Patrick is being charged with five counts of assault, five counts of reckless endangerment and five counts of menacing.

source: KPTV


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