Thursday, May 10, 2012

Perv Stabs Computer with Samurai Swords As He's Being Arrested for Downloading Kiddie Pr0n

And the Donkey of the Day is this guy. Kamil Mezalka, 21, of Palm Coast, Florida, faces up to 20 years in prison for downloading child pornography over the Internet. As federal agents swooped down on his home on Tuesday, the 21-year-old stabbed his computer hard drive with two samurai swords in an attempt to destroy evidence. How did that work out for ya?
According to a federal affidavit, agents obtained a search warrant Tuesday for the man's Lansdowne Lane home and entered the residence after nobody answered the door. After agents made their way into the house, Mezalka came out of a second-floor bedroom with his hands up, then went back in and closed the door, the affidavit shows. Agents followed him into the room and found him in his underwear and observed him stab the console of his computer before taking him into custody, according to the affidavit. When interviewed by federal agents, Mezalka said he was attracted to teenage girls and "might have" downloaded pornography depicting girls 13 years old and younger, the affidavit shows. Federal agents conducted a forensic analysis of computers in Mezalka's residence, including the desktop computer he stabbed, and discovered hundreds of images depicting child porn.

source: News-Journal


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