Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Girl Born With Penis on Forehead

You may say this is just another bizarre story coming out of Africa, but it's real and health officials in South Africa's Eastern Cape region are concerned about the increasing numbers of babies born with rare deformities. According to officials, there have been 50 such cases over the last 18 months. Last Friday, a baby girl born to a 16-year-old, had what looked liked a small penis on the forehead. "She was born with no nose, and where there are supposed to be eyes there was nothing, just skin covered over the area," health department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said. The baby died two days later. In April one baby was born with the brain exposed, only covered by a thin layer of skin. Last year another baby was born with a heart exposed while a pair of conjoined twins shared a heart and liver. According to Kupelo, all the children die within weeks.

source: AFP


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