Friday, August 24, 2012

Here's Video of the MOST ANNOYING PERSON in the World Getting Tasered

If there's anyone needed to be Tasered, it's this idiot. He claims he's "not a person, he's a man" but he's a straight-up donkey. This is what happens when you don't spank or parent your kids; they grow up to think they're beyond the law and have no respect for authority. Anywho, the non-person (we're not sure know why he went to the court house), whose name is Robert, was arrested and charged with "3 counts of battery against the officers." These videos were uploaded by his mother (she's the one in the sequined pink-striped top) who claims the officer "battered" her son. Really? Ma'am, let the record show your son is an idiot!

This is what happened before and after the Taser-ation.

Update, Sept. 19: The idiot's name is Robert Peterson. He was at the courthouse because he got a ticket for riding his bike at night without a light. You should be happy to know he's still in jail on a $50,000 bond. BTW: Cameras are not allowed in Idaho courtrooms.


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