Thursday, October 18, 2012

Woman Forced to Share Home With Squatter Who Just So Happens to be a Presidential Candidate

This story made headlines last week and it's bizarre. A Detroit homeowner named Heidi Peterson purchased a home for $23,000 then rented it out to several tenants in 2010, but was forced to evict everyone once the city (shocker!) deemed the $23,000 house uninhabitable. After being away for a year (We don't where she was. Jail? Psych hospital? The moon?), Heidi finally went back to the property last week where she found one of the former tenants was still living there and refused to leave. According to Heidi, the squatter -- a crazy person named Missionary-Tracey Elaine Blair -- changed the locks, did some construction, replaced the appliances and put a lien on the house. Heidi says they're forced to sleep one room away from each other. Yesterday, Missionary-Tracey, who's running for president of the United States, decided to move out. She told the local Fox affiliate she and Heidi are just two friends who had a disagreement. "She's confused. She doesn't know my motives. She thought that I was going to take her property, but I wouldn't do that because I wouldn't be blessed by God. I wouldn't have good luck if I take this property knowing that she has an interest in it," Missionary-Tracey said. Both of these women are nutjobs. Just sayin'.

source: WBJK


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