Friday, November 16, 2012

Jeff Lewis Sues Assistant, Jenni Pulos, to Block Her From Writing Tell-All Book

Jeff Lewis, the star of Bravo reality show "Flipping Out", and his "personal and executive assistant" of 10 years, Jenni Pulos, have had many-a quarrels on-air, but things just got real. Jenni has a book coming out next year and paranoid Jeff -- who hates the shopping channel HSN -- is certain it contains "highly confidential and private information relating to [his] personal life and business dealings." So, he wrote her a letter demanding she not publish the book and when she and her publishers told him to go kick rocks, he slapped her with a lawsuit seeking a preliminary and permanent injunction preventing her revealing any "personal and professional facts and information" about him in the book.

Lewis claims that Pulos signed two confidentiality agreements, promising not to reveal any private information she learned about him while working for him, even if her employment ended. But he claims that in early October this year, he "became aware that Jenni was writing a book apparently about 'her life.' Shortly thereafter, plaintiffs reminded Jenni of the agreement and requested that she ensure that no confidential information relating to Jeff's personal or professional life be included in the book and that Jenni adhere to the written promises made relating to all plaintiffs in the agreement." The complaint continues: "Shortly thereafter, Jeff learned that Jenni had apparently signed a contract with a publisher to publish this book, but was again assured by Jenni that she was not breaking her written agreement and was not writing about Jeff or her work experiences while employed by Jeff and/or the entity plaintiffs. Jeff was informed by Jenni that the book strictly related to Jenni's own family and/or personal life - and that the book is not yet finished but is in the process of being written. "However, Jeff soon learned through an Internet search that the title of Jenni's new book was 'Hang in There, Baby - What One of the World's Most Difficult Bosses Taught Me About Life, Work, and Love,' and plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that this book is apparently already written." Lewis claims the book has already been assigned an ISBN number, will have 288 pages, and will hit shelves in 2013. He says he wrote to Pulos demanding that she not publish the book, and sent a copy of the confidentiality agreements to her agents. Pulos and her agents told him the book was not finished despite evidence to the contrary, Lewis says, and told him that it would not contain any confidential information about him.

source: CNS
According to the lawsuit, Jeff demanded to see a copy of the manuscript but her book agents said no. Jeff claims that his personal and professional reputation will be damaged, and he will suffer the loss of "confidential proprietary trade secrets" if Jenni is allowed to publish the book.


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