Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Man High on Meth Attacks Cop, Gets Tasered 5 Times

Poor Deon James Durant. The 23-year-old was minding his business smoking meth at a house party in Beaver County, Pennsylvania when cops showed up after a noise complaint. Upon seeing the officers, Deon tried to hide in a closet. When the officers asked him to come out, he grabbed the officer by the shirt and slammed him into a wall. Chaos ensued and Deon was Tasered several times, but he was able to break free, then ran into the woods and down a hillside, eventually falling on his face. He was eventually Tasered and subdued and taken to jail on $1 million bond. Now the cops are seeking $1,100 in restitution for damaged uniforms and equipment.

source: KDKA


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