Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oprah's Ex-Mother-in-Law Says Oprah is a Bully

What's that song Kanye recorded a few years ago which featured Jamie Foxx? Well, if only we could remember the name of it, we would label Barbara Winfrey -- the soon-to-be-ex-wife of Oprah Winfrey's father, Vernon -- as just that. The lady is clueless. Now that she and Vernon are divorcing (she claims he pulled a gun on her and was jumping off with other women), Oprah has decided the sell the 20-room $1.4 million home in Nashville, Tenn. she purchased for her father. Barbara alerted the media, telling them Oprah is a bullying her and kicking her out onto the streets with nowhere to go. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Oprah has offered Barbara another home and a car for free, but she doesn't want it. She says accepting Oprah's deal means she won't be entitled to alimony. But, with Vernon's dire financial situation, who does she expect to pay her alimony? Oprah? Bwahahahaha!

UPDATE, Nov. 7: The folks over the National Enquirer swooped down on Vernon Winfrey and he gave them an interview. The 79-year-old said he slapped Barbara with divorce papers last June because of her "inappropriate marital conduct." Whatever that means. He does suspect Barbara was cheating on him. Plus, Barbara doesn't know what a budget is. He says she was spending his money "as if I were Oprah!" He told the tabloid Barbara used his money to go on four extravagant trips with her sisters to Europe and Brazil, and she didn't invite him -- even though she was using his money.

source: WSMV


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