Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Waiter Threatens Cheapskates With Knife

For 10 years, Shamika and Jerome Scott have been regular customers at Tallahassee's "Barnacle Bill's Restaurant" and during those 10 years, they have never left a tip. So, last Friday after eating meal of oysters and a salad, they left -- without leaving a tip. The server confronted them in the parking lot telling them people like you who don't tip don't need to come back. "It seemed racist to me and I've been going there almost ten years and never been treated like that ever," said Shamika. She adds that the pissed off server, pointed a shucking knife in her husband's face. While what the server did crossed the line, not paying a tip for food or service you obviously like, is equally deplorable. Shame on you, Shamika.

Sidebar: While the restaurant owner would not comment on the status of the employment of the knife-wielding server, he does say: "These are hard times, stressful during the holidays, people get over sensitive, over emotional."

UPDATE: There's video!

source: WCTV


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