Monday, January 21, 2013

Noted Obama Hater Lupe Fiasco Thrown Off Stage After Anti-Obama Rant at Pre-Inauguration Concert

Someone should've known that if you invite someone who has publicly called the president a "terrorist," then you shouldn't invite said person to an pre-inauguration concert of that president. Right? Well, apparently someone didn't do their homework and invited rapper Lupe Fiasco to perform at the StartUp RockOn's inauguration event Sunday night at The Hamilton in Washington. Thirty minutes into his anti-war song, "Words I Never Said," which criticized president Barack Obama, security showed up on stage and escorted Lupe -- who, we must say, looked quite pleased with himself -- out of the building.

Sidebar: HyperVocal, which organized the event, released this politiclly-correct statement: "Lupe Fiasco performed at this private event, and as you may have read, he left the stage earlier than we had planned. But Lupe Fiasco was not 'kicked off stage' for an 'anti-Obama rant.' We are staunch supporters of free speech, and free political speech. This was not about his opinions. Instead, after a bizarrely repetitive, jarring performance that left the crowd vocally dissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act."


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