Tuesday, March 12, 2013

6-Month-Old Girl Shot 5 Times, Killed in Gang-Related Shooting

The shootings in Chicago are never-ending. The latest victim is a 6-month-old Jonylah Watkins, who was shot five times (in the thigh, shoulder, lung, liver and bowels) and died Monday afternoon. The child's father, 28-year-old Jonathan Watkins -- a known gang member who has been arrested 39 times. He was shot in the buttocks and on the right side of his face. He survived and is not cooperating with police. Where are Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson? Where's the outrage? Where's the protest and chants of "no justice, no peace!?" Those are rhetorical questions, we know.

Sidebar: Jonathan's wife Mary Young was shot in the knee seven months ago while she was pregnant with Jonylah.

source: WMAQ


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