Thursday, March 7, 2013

82-year-old Woman Thrown Off Train For Singing Hymns

So, as you can probably guessed, this happened in Florida. 82-year-old Emma Anderson was singing religious hymns, including "Amazing Grace," on the Metrorail in Miami last month while tapping her thigh with a rolled-up newspaper. A guard asked her to quiet down, but after she refused, he grabbed her cart and forcibly threw her off the train. She suffered a bruised shoulder. Miami-Dade Transit spokesperson Karla Damian said there is a noise policy which stipulates that singing, dancing and playing instruments are prohibited. In a statement, she says: "We regret that Ms. Anderson had to eventually be escorted out, but regardless of age, all passengers need to abide by rules associated with using transit." Granny Emma responds: "Well, y'all may call it 'noise,' but wait 'til Jesus comes. It's going to be more noise in there!" Her family has hired an attorney and will most likely sue the city of Miami, the Metrorail, the guard and his employer, 50 State Security.

Update: Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez issued a statement apologizing to granny Emma: “We are sorry that this incident occurred and apologize to Mrs. Anderson. The situation should have been handled with more care and common sense. We have made it clear to all County employees and contractors that our patrons must be treated with dignity and respect. We are in the process of reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure special consideration is taken when dealing with the elderly and people with special needs.” We're gonna let you finish, but that's still not going to stop granny Emma from filing that civil suit.

source: WSVN


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me! A kid can cry and yell his lungs out when riding public transportation but singing? When does singing become so disruptive that a person is thrown off of train. Nevermind she is 82 years old. If this was my family member...Yes, sued and then some! Shame on the officer who threw her off!

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