Friday, March 8, 2013

Homophobe (And Rumored Lesbian) Blasts Drag Show as 'Immoral'

Next week, the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley will host a drag show featuring former RuPaul's Drag Race contestant Shangela Laquifa Wadley. Julaine Appling, who's the director of Wisconsin Family Action, an anti-gay group, and an all-around miserable person, is outraged. She posted this statement on her Web site:
In less than one week, the University of Wisconsin System Fox Valley will be hosting a “drag show” at the Communication Arts Center theater in Menasha. The “main attraction” is the guest appearance of self-proclaimed male homosexual transvestite “Shangela” from a lewd reality television show “RuPaul’s Drag Race” in which homosexual male drag performers compete for prizes. The tickets are cheap ($3), and so, it appears, is the propaganda, display of immorality, and overall message to the Fox Valley community. Wisconsin Family Action president Julaine Appling states, “Human sexuality is both a gift and a responsibility given to man by God. Sexual morality, therefore, is everyone’s concern. It is of concern to single individuals, to families, and to society. Our University of Wisconsin System is placing the stamp of approval on homosexual propaganda and explicitly immoral content with an upcoming “drag show” event that sends the wrong message to our next generation of leaders, parents, and families. Taxpayers should beware, and quickly take action to defend our shared values. The Badger State’s standards for it’s families are much higher than this shameful display of sexual immorality on our campuses and in our local communities.”

source: WI Family Voice
Is this nutjob for real? A report on the Wisconsin Gazette infers that Julaine is a car-carrying member of the rainbow coalition, if you know what we mean -- and we think you do. According to the paper: "Appling has never married and has lived for decades with another never-married woman in a home the two own jointly in Watertown." BAM!

Sidebar: We've been waiting for the right opportunity to post Shangela's music video. The time is now. I am a professional pro. WHAT!


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