Friday, March 22, 2013

If This Adorable Little Girl Found Wandering the Streets is Your Child, Police Would Like to Speak With You

Police in Pompano Beach, Florida are looking for the parents of a little girl -- believed to be about 2 years old -- who was found wandering the street this morning. A sergeant with the Broward Sheriff's Office says they're not looking at this as a crime, they only want to find her parents. "We really just want to find her parents," he said. "We don't know if a crime's been committed. Nobody's in trouble at this point. We know these things happen. It happens on a regular basis. We just want to find the parents and get her home." Ha! Right.

Sidebar: If you recognize this child or know her parents, please call Crime Stoppers at (954) 493-TIPS.

Update: The girl has been reunited with her father. He said he dropped his daughter (who's 1) off at his grandmother's home shortly at 8:45am. At least four adults (including the grandmother who was responsible for babysitting the child) was in the home when the toddler wandered off. None of them noticed the girl was missing.

source: WSVN


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