Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Man Impregnates 11-year-old Girl

Ohmigod! Deandre Devon Davis-Williams of Houston is charged with sexually abusing and impregnating an 11-year-old girl. According to police, Deandre, 21, sneaked into the girl's home everyday while her mother was at work and raped the child. This abuse went on for almost a year! The girl is now 9 months pregnant. We have so many questions. Like, how does he know the girl's family and was the girl home alone and if she wasn't, why didn't she scream or call for help and why didn't she tell her mother this man was raping her and why didn't her mother notice she was pregnant and after finding out her child was assaulted why didn't her mother pull out her pearl handle and march on over to Deandre's home and pop a cap in his ass? Something is going on here.

Sidebar: Another report says Deandre and the girl lived in the same apartment complex and it was incest -- because Deandre and the girl are related. How? We're not sure.

source: KTRK


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