Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mother of the Year Beats, Starves, Ties 4-year-old Daughter to Bed For 12 Hours Every Day

Some people are just evil. This ↑↑↑ is one of them. Laketha Moore of Las Vegas was arrested Monday and charged with child abuse after a maintenance found her her starving 4-year-old girl tied up and surrounded by filth. According to police, Laketha tied up her daughter to a bed in her bedroom for 10-12 hours every single day.
According to the arrest report, the girl said she was hungry because "Mommy ties me up all the time." Her injuries were repulsive and included a black eye, cuts on her nose, cheek, a bruised rib cage, back, ankles and matted hair. "This is a heartbreaking case where a little girl ultimately has suffered for probably many months before it was actually brought to someone's attention," [North Las Vegas spokeswoman Chrissie Coon] said. Moore, 36, is charged with 31 counts of child abuse for each day she left her daughter alone. Whether it was church or work, the single mother confessed to police that she abandoned her daughter, claiming the girl was a picky eater and "probably wouldn't eat the food anyway." The arrest report said Moore tied her daughter up because she would often ransack their home and she placed a plastic bin beside the bed so the girl could urinate. Moore also told police her daughter would often black out while she routinely beat her with a belt, striking her anywhere the belt landed. Counselors said the girl will have difficulty erasing the abuse from her memory. [...] Police said Moore's kitchen, despite the girl's hunger, was stocked with a variety of food. The girl has been placed in child protective custody until she can be placed with a relative or foster home.

source: KLAS
That poor little girl.


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