Friday, March 15, 2013

Residents Sue Town After Officials Refused to Stop Praying in Jesus' Name

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit this week on behalf of three people from Rowan, NC, demanding that the Rowan County Board of Commissioners stop its unconstitutional practice of opening government meetings with prayers that are specific to one religion. Nancy Lund, Liesa Montag-Siegel and Robert Voelker say the prayers are a violation of their first amendment liberties. "I want my local government to be open and welcoming to people of all beliefs," Nan Lund said. "But when officials begin a public meeting with prayers that are specific to only one religious viewpoint, I feel unwelcome and excluded." The Commissioner isn't backing down, saying he will remain true to his convictions as an individual and US citizen to express his opinions and beliefs. The plaintiffs are seeking a judgment declaring the practice of offering sectarian prayers is in violation of the constitution, as well as an injunction to stop the Rowan County Board of Commissioners from offering sectarian prayers. Plus, a whole $1 in damages. It's the principle.

source: WBTV


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